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Computational Algebra System in Haskell

Dependently-typed computational algebra system written in Haskell.

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Table of Contents


The computational-algebra is the computational algebra system, implemented as a Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) in Haskell. This library provides many functionality for computational algebra, especially ideal computation such as Groebner basis calculation.

Thanks to Haskell’s powerful language features, this library achieves the following goals:

Haskell’s static type system enforces static correctness and prevents you from violating invariants.
With the powerful type-system of Haskell, we can write highly abstract program resulted in easy-to-extend system.
Haskell comes with many aggressive optimization mechanism and parallel computation features, which enables us to write efficient program.

This package currently provides the following functionalities:

Requirements and Installation

Old version of this package is uploaded on Hackage, but it’s rather outdated. Most recent version of computational-algebra is developed on GitHub.

It uses the most agressive language features recently implemented in Glasgow Haskell Compiler, so it requires at least GHC 8.0.1 and also it depends on many packages currently not available on Hackage, but you can install it fairly easily with help of The Haskell Tool Stack.

$ curl -sSL | sh
  # if you haven't install Stack yet
$ git clone
$ cd computational-algebra
$ stack build

In addition, you may need to install GSL and LAPACK (for matrix computation) beforehand. You can install them via Homebrew (OS X), apt-get, or other major package management systems.


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, QuasiQuotes, TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Algebra.Algorithms.Groebner
import Algebra.Field.Finite
import Algebra.Prelude
import Data.Type.Ordinal.Builtin

-- | 0-th variable of polynomial ring with at least one variable.
-- Variables are 0-origin.
x :: (KnownNat n, CoeffRing r, IsMonomialOrder n order, (0 :< n) ~ 'True)
  => OrderedPolynomial r order n
x = var [od|0|]

-- | 1-st variable of polynomial ring with at least two variable.
y :: (KnownNat n, CoeffRing r, IsMonomialOrder n order, (1 :< n) ~ 'True)
  => OrderedPolynomial r order n
y = var [od|1|]

-- | The last variable of
z :: Polynomial Rational 3
z = var [od|2|]

-- | f in QQ[x,y,z]
f :: OrderedPolynomial Rational Grevlex 3
f = 1%2*x*y^2 + y^2

-- | map f to the F_5[x,y,z], where F_5 = ZZ/5ZZ
f' :: Polynomial (F 5) 3
f' = mapCoeff (\r -> fromInteger (numerator r) / fromInteger (denominator r) ) f

-- | ideal of QQ[x,y,a,b,c,s]
heron :: Ideal (OrderedPolynomial Rational Lex 6)
heron = toIdeal [ 2 * s - a * y
                , b^2 - (x^2 + y^2)
                , c^2 - ((a - x)^2 + y^2)
    -- | Get the last four variables of QQ[x,y,a,b,c,s]
    [_, _, a, b, c, s] = vars

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print f
  print f'
  print $ x * f'^2
  print $ calcGroebnerBasis heron
  -- print $ f' * 5 + f -- ^ Type error!

Type Interface for Polynomials and Algebraic Structures

computational-algebra provides well-typed interface. In this section, we will see how this package represents mathematical objects by type.

Type-level natural numbers and singletons

As we will see below, we use type-level natural number to indicate the number of variables. So, let’s see how we express natural numbers as type.

The type-natural package provides the functionality to treat type-level natural numbers seamlesly. That library also provides Peano numerals, but it is enough to use *.Builtin module for our purposes.

Sometimes we have to specify the type-level natural as function argument explicitly. We use so-called singletons for the type natural in such case. To generate singletons for type-level naturals, we can use snat quasiquoter from Data.Type.Natural.Builtin in type-natural package. Furthermore, the singletons package provides unified way to do with singletons. For more detail, please read the original paper of singletons.

For technical reason, the compiler must know the information of specific type-level natural number. This constraint is expressed as the type-classKnownNat n from GHC.TypeLits module, where nn is type-level natural. It seems rather noisy to have these constraints all around, but if we have singleton value sn :: SNat n for some n, then we can give such information to the compiler by withKnownNat from Data.Singletons.TypeLits of singletons package:

import Data.Singletons.TypeLits

func :: KnownNat n => a -> b -> ...

caller :: SNat n -> ...
caller sn = withKnownNat n $ func ...

Algebraic structures and operations

To express algebraic structures, we use the type classes from algebra package. For example, if we say “k is a field”, it means that k is an instance of Field class from algebra package. As mentioned above, we can compute the Groebner basis for ideals in polynomial rings over arbitary field. This means we can compute bases for those with coefficient field an instance of Field.

The ring and field operations for objects implemented in this package is provided as the instance function of Ring and Field classes. Of course, this package also provides instances for the standard type classes such as Num and Fractional, but we recommend to use the operation from algebra with NoImplicitPrlude option. We provide the convenient module Algebra.Prelude to use with NoImplicitPrlude option.


The type for the polynomials and operations are defined in Algebra.Ring.Polynomial module.

OrderedPolynomial r ord n represents

In the above, n should have kind Nat and r should be at least an instance of CoeffRing, which is essentially equivalent to “Commutative Ring with decidable equality”, but usually the Field for practical usage. The monomial ordering ord should be the instance of IsMonomialOrder. More precisely, ord must have instance for IsMonomial Order n ord if and only if ord stands for some monomial ordering on n-ary polynomial.

Let’s see example. Q[x,y,z]\mathbb{Q}[x,y,z] (the trivariate polynomial ring over the rational number) with Lex ordering is represented by the type OrderedPolynomial Rational Lex 3. Polynomial Rational 3 is short for OrderedPolynomial Rational Grevlex 3.

Abstract type-classes for Polynomials

Sometimes, one might want to use different implementation for polynomials optimized to specific task. For such a purpose, we provide two abstract type-classes IsPolynomial and IsOrderedPolynomial, defined in Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Class module. Indeed, many algebraic operations for OrderedPolynomial are provided via these classes.

The first IsPolynomial class abstracts polynomial rings by the universality offree commutative algebra over commutative ring. The instance IsPolynomial poly means “poly is a polynomial ring”. The class comes with two associated types: Arity and Coefficient. For example, we have the following instance for OrderedPolynomial:

instance (CoeffRing r, IsMonomialOrder n ord)
      => IsPolynomial (OrderedPolynomial r ord n) where
  type Arity (OrderedPolynomial r ord n) = n
  type Coefficient (OrderedPolynomial r ord n) = r

As their name indicates, Arity poly stands for the arity of poly, that is, the number of variables of poly and Coefficient poly stands for the coefficient ring of poly. The essential class functions of it is var and liftMap:

class IsPolynomial poly where
  var     :: Ordinal (Arity poly) -> poly
  liftMap :: (Module (Scalar (Coefficient poly)) alg,
              Ring alg, Commutative alg)
          => (Ordinal (Arity poly) -> alg) -> poly -> alg

var n stands for the nn-th variable of poly. The type Ordinal n is provided in Data.Type.Ordinal.Builtin of type-natural package, and it stands for the natural numbers less than n. So, in the context of polynomial, you can think Ordinal n as “variable of nn-variate polynomial”. One can construct ordinals safely by the quasiquoter od provided in Data.Type.Ordinal.Builtin, when we use QuasiQutoes language extension. For example, [od|3|] stands for the third ordinal. [od|3|] :: Ordinal 4 typechecks, but [od|3|] :: Ordinal 2 is rejected in compile-time1.

The latter function liftMap seems to have odd type, but it is just an algebraic substitution mapping. First, f :: Ordinal n -> A can be seen as “AA-valued assignment for each variable”. Then liftMap f p extends f onto entire polynomial ring R[X1,,Xn]R[X_1,\ldots,X_n], just substituting each variables in p using f and taking products in AA. These are what we have calld “the universality of free algebra over commutative rings”, as pictured the following diagram:

\[\begin{xy} \xymatrix @C=10ex @R=15ex { R[X_1, \ldots, X_n] \ar @{.>}[r]^-{\mathop{\mathtt{liftMap}} f} & A\\ \{X_1, \ldots, X_n\} \ar[u]^{\mathtt{var}} \ar[ur]_{f} } \end{xy}\]

Although, we can derive other algebraic operations from these two functions in theory, but for the practical purpose, IsPolynomial class have other algebraic operations as its member functions, which can be overridden by instance-specific optimized implementation.

Polynomials and Monomial Orderings

IsPolynomial class doesn’t incorporate any information on monomial orderings. Polynomial rings with operations related monomial orderings is abstracted in IsOrderedPolynomial. This class comes with associated type MOrder, which stands for the monomial ordering of given polynomial type:

instance (...) => IsOrderedPolynomial (OrderedPolynomial r ord n) where
  type MOrder (OrderedPolynomial r ord n) = ord

This class provide the interfaces to retrieve information related to monomial orderings, such as leadingTerm, leadingMonomial and leadingCoeff.

By default, computational-algebra provides the following monomial orderings:

In addition to the basic monomial orders listed above, we can construct new monomial orderings from existing ones with following:

We provide the Revlex, the reversed lex order. Revlex is not the monomial order, but we can construct monomial orderings from it with above constructors. For example, Graded Revlex is equivalent to Grevlex.

Other utility functions and related type-classes are defined in the module Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Monomial.

How to write IsMonomialOrder instances?

If you should use the monomial ordering which cannot constructed from the above, and you have proven that ordering is really a monomial ordering, you can just implement an instance for the IsMonomialOrder.

In computational-algebra, monomials are essentially represented as Sized n Int, the Int vector of size nn and each kk-th element stands for the power of kk-th variable.

More precisely, there are two types representing monomials: Monomial and OrderedMonomial. The type Monomial n is just a synonym of Sized n Int, which is mathematically equal to Nn\mathbb{N}^n. You can manipulate the value of Monomial n with functions provided by Data.Sized.Builtin from sized package.

OrderedMonomial is just a newtype wrapping Monomial tagged with additional monomial ordering information:

newtype OrderedMonomial ord n =
        OrderedMonomial { getMonomial :: Monomial n }

Note that type parameter ord doesn’t appear in the right hand side of its definition. Such type-parameters are called phantom types. The type OrderedMonomial itself doesn’t incorporate any implementation of monomial ordering, but its phantom type paramter ord carries such information.

We use IsOrder classs to retrieve ordering infromation from such pahntom types:

class IsOrder n ord where
  cmpMonomial :: Proxy ord -> Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Ordering

That is, IsOrder n ord stands for the “ord is ordering on Nn\mathbb{N}^n” and cmpMonomial is the function to compare two monomials. The first argument Proxy ord is just to indicate “which order to use”, otherwise cmpMonomial can be ambiguous. For example, we have following instance for Lex 2:

instance KnownNat n => IsOrder n Lex where
  cmpMonomial _ NilL      NilL      = EQ
  cmpMonomial _ (n :< ns) (m :< ms)
    | n < m     = LT
    | n > m     = GT
    | otherwise = cmpMonomial ns ms

The type Ordering is one of the Haskell’s standard data-type which stands for the “comparison result” of two values; that is, compare n m returns LT if n<mn < m, GT if n>mn > m and EQ if they are equal. Haskell’s Monoid type-class and Data.Ord module provides more convenient way to write such a comparison function. For example, we can rewrite above definition as follows:

cmpMonomial _ ns ms = mconcat (zipWithSame compare ns ms)

where zipWithSame is imported from Data.Sized.Builtin from sized package. Monoid opertions for Ordering can be considered as left-biased “breaking tie” operator.

The Ord instance for Monomial ord n is defined if IsOrder n ord is defined. But the above definition only requires ord to be “total order”; it should be monomial ordering to treat do polynomials. So, if one have proven that some ord is actually a monomial order, one should declare the instance for IsMonomialOrder as below:

instance IsMonomialOrder n Lex

IsMonomialOrder doesn’t provide any additional member function, but it is defined to distinguish mere ordering with monomial ordering. It is instance-implementor’s responsibility to assure that it is really a monomial ordering3.

So in this way, we can define the custom monomial ordering.

There is yet another type-class for monomial orderings: IsStrongMonomialOrder. IsOrder and IsMonomialOrder takes fixed arity as its parameter, but sometimes we require orderings to work with arbitarary many variables. If some specific oreder ord has IsMonomialOrder n ord for each nn, then GHC automatically generates the instance IsStrongMonomialOrder ord. One can use cmpAnyMonomial function to compare monomials with different arity for such an ordering.

Variants of polynomial types

There are several polynomial types shipped with this library other than OrderedPolynomial:

Of course, users can define their custom polynomial types and made them instance of IsOrdredPolynomial. The module Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Class provides the function injectVars, which converts between different polynomial type with the same coefficient, just mapping each variable to corresponding one with the same index in the target. Sometimes (e.g. variable elimination) one might want to permute variables. In such a case, you can just use liftMap, subst or their variants.

Other polynomial operations

Provided Algebraic Structures

This package comes with the following types for algebraic structures:

Aside from the basic structurs above, we have the following structures: finite fields, quotient rings of polynomial rings, and the field of algebraic reals, which we will describe below.

Finite Fields

Algebra.Field.Finite provides the type-class for finite fields FiniteField and concrete types for prime field F p which corresponds to Fp=Z/pZ\mathbb{F}_p = \mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}. Note that, this type doesn’t check primarity of type parameter pp (too expensive!).

For other general finite fields other than prime fields (Galois Field), you can use Algebra.Field.Galois module provides types GF p n, which corresponds to Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n}. We use Conway polynomial for internal representation of Galois Fields. As a default, computational-algebra comes with the information of Conway polynomials for 10th power of 2,3,5,7,11. Users can easily add the information by just defining ConwayPolynomial p n instace for specific pp an nn as follows:

instance ConwayPolynomial 19 1 where
  conwayPolynomial _ _ = x ^2 + 18 * x + 2
    where x = var 0 :: Unipol (F 19)

Although we are planning to implement the functionality to automatically calculate Conway Polynomial, it is recomended to provide concrete value for each specific pp and nn to gain the efficiency. The primitive constant(s) stands for a primitive element of Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n}, i.e. a generator of the multiplicative group Fpn×\mathbb{F}_{p^n}^\times of units.

Galois Field computation with arbitrary irreducible polynomials

Although Conway polynomials provides systematic way to treat field extensions, it takes some computational overhead to compute Conway polynomial. So if one doesn’t need to treat field extension, it is enough to chose arbitrary irreducible polynomial of degree nn with coeffcients in Fp\mathbb{F}_p to do computation.

Internally, the type GF p n is synonym for GF' p n (Conway p n); here, Conway p n is a placeholder to retrieve the information of conway polynomial for Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n}. Actual computation algorithm for Galios fields is defined for GF' p n f for f carrying information of such an irreducible polynomial. So if we have some irreducible pFp[x]p \in \mathbb{F}_p[x] with deg(p)=n\deg(p) = n, one can compute in Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} by reflecting the information of pp to parameter f. The reflection package provides general way to do such a type-level reflection. Based on that, Algebra.Field.Galois provides utility function to reflect given irreducible polynomial to type-level: withIrreducible. Suppose pF5p \in \mathbb{F}_5 is irreducible and deg(p)=7\deg(p) = 7. Then we can do computation in F57\mathbb{F}_{5^7} as follows:

withIrreducible p $ \pxy ->
  show (sqrt (3 `asProxyTypeOf` pxy))

In above, pxy is Proxy type to carry the information of reflected field and asProxyTypeOf forces literals to be interpreted as an element of the reflected field. One thing to note is that the type variable f dynamically reflecting polynomial cannot leak outside of given functions. For example, the value GF' p n f itself cannot be taken out from withIrreducible :

withIrreducible p $ \pxy ->
  primitive * (2 * primivite - 1) `asProxyTypeOf` pxy -- type error!

In such a situation, one cannot “take out” the reulst directly, but one can still extract the linear representation of it:

withIrreducible p $ \pxy ->
  linearRepGF (primitive * (2 * primivite - 1) `asProxyTypeOf` pxy) -- OK!

On the other hand, if we adopt Conway polynomials as a representation, one can do any computation without any scope restriction as this. This is because Conway p n carries information of an irreducible polynomial statically. So you can define Reifies instance for your custom placeholder type and store the information of some specific irreducible polynomial, then you can do such a calculation without any scoping problem:

data MyPoly = MyPoly -- ^ Just for placeholder

instance Reifies MyPoly (Unipol (F 5)) where
  reflect _ = x^2 + 2 x + 4

type MyGF5'2 = GF' 5 2 MyPoly

Also, Algebra.Field.Galois comes with monadic function generateIrreducible to find irreducible polynomials and reifyGF' combining these two functions. There is another function withGF' to retrieve linear representation of elements of Galois Field. See documents for more information.

Quotient rings

The type Quotient k ord n ideal stands for the quotient ring of n-variate polynomial ring over the field k. In order to distinguish the quotient ring over different ideals, we parametrize ideals in type. We use the functionalities provided by reflection package here, again.

Algebraic Reals

Algebra.Field.AlgebraicReal module provides the type Algebraic for the field of algebraic reals, i.e. real roots of real coefficient polynomials.

Internally, every algebraic real is represented by the real-coefficient polynomial fR[X]f \in \mathbb{R}[X] and the interval IRI \subseteq \mathbb{R} which contains exactly one real root of ff.

Aside the basic field operations, we currently provide the following operations on algebraic reals:


  1. One can also construct ordinals using integer literals of Haskell, like 3 :: Ordinal 4, but it is unsafe and so highly unrecommended. For example, although [od|3|] :: Ordinal 2 is rejected by compiler as expected, but 3 :: Ordinal 2 passes the compile-time typecheck and throws run-time error. This is due to the mechanism of Haskell’s literal desugaring.↩︎

  2. Indeed, actual implementation is more optimized.↩︎

  3. Actually, recent GHC’s type-level functionality is strong enough to require instances to include static proof of correctness; but it is too expensive for library writers compared to the result we gain, hence we haven’t include such “proof requirement” to class. Another reason is that, it makes difficult to treat dynamically generated orderings, which occurs in some applications such as integer programming.↩︎