To start up server on 6667, to execute this command:
$ ruby ircd.rb [Configuration File(e.g. sample.conf)]
It might shut down when it received ^C (SIGINT).
Contents of sample.conf might be like this:
Conf = { :Motd => open("motd.txt"){|f| }.tojis, :Info => open("info.txt"){|f| }.tojis, :Port => 6667, :Opers => {"superoper*"=>"ea703e7aa1efda0064eaa507d9e8ab7e"}, :MaxClients => 100, :PINGInterval => 300, :PINGLimit => 90, }
As you can see, its contents is written in Ruby Hash Object. To configure, write like this;
:name => value,
between "{" and "}" .
For now, you can configure these items:
I will add items when in the mood.
Oper means Server Operator. It is user who has the authority to restart, stop and rehash server.
To become an Oper requires the pair of correct OPER nick name and password. Conversely, anybody can become an Oper if he/she knows those. To get authority of Oper, you have to send OPER message to the server. For example, if Oper nick name is oper and password is foo, to send this:
OPER oper1 hoge
to be an Oper.
You can set these combination in the configuration file. Like this:
For example, in sample.conf:
In this case, relate Oper name starts from "superoper" and password "hoge".
Password is encrypted by MD5. To know the MD5-value for any password, use included program "mkpassword.rb" :
$ ruby mkpassword.rb password