Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Power
- data GeneralTerm k where
- Const :: k -> GeneralTerm k
- N :: GeneralTerm k
- (:^) :: GeneralTerm k -> Power -> GeneralTerm k
- (:+) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k
- (:*) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k
- (:-) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k
- Lift :: Reifies s (Unipol k) => Proxy s -> GeneralTerm (WrapDecidableUnits (Quotient s (Unipol k))) -> GeneralTerm k
- showsGTWith :: (CoeffRing k, Field k) => (Int -> k -> ShowSCoeff) -> Int -> GeneralTerm k -> ShowS
- data RecurrenceCoeff a = RC {
- recCoefficient :: a
- initialValue :: a
- data Recurrence a where
- Recurrence :: {..} -> Recurrence a
- recurrenceSize :: Recurrence a -> Int
- recCoefficients :: Recurrence a -> Vector a
- initialValues :: Recurrence a -> Vector a
- generatingFunction :: forall k. (Field k, CoeffRing k) => Recurrence k -> Fraction (Unipol k)
- solveTernaryRecurrence :: MonadRandom m => Sized 2 Rational -> Sized 2 Rational -> Rational -> m (GeneralTerm Rational)
- solveRationalRecurrence :: MonadRandom m => Recurrence Rational -> m (GeneralTerm Rational)
- solveFiniteFieldRecurrence :: (MonadRandom m, CoeffRing k, FiniteField k, Random k) => Recurrence k -> m (GeneralTerm k)
- solveRecurrenceWith :: (Functor m, CoeffRing k, Field k) => (Unipol k -> m (k, NonEmpty (Unipol k, Natural))) -> Recurrence k -> m (GeneralTerm k)
- newtype WrapDecidableUnits k = WrapDecidableUnits {}
- unliftQuadInverse :: forall k. (CoeffRing k, Field k) => Natural -> Fraction (Unipol k) -> GeneralTerm k
- linearInverse :: (CoeffRing k, Field k) => k -> Natural -> k -> GeneralTerm k
- type Rewriter = Writer Any
- progress :: a -> Rewriter a
- reduceGeneralTerm :: (Field k, CoeffRing k) => GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k
- fixedPoint :: (a -> Rewriter a) -> a -> a
- simplifyGeneralTerm :: (Field k, CoeffRing k) => GeneralTerm k -> Rewriter (GeneralTerm k)
- evalGeneralTerm :: (CoeffRing k, Field k) => GeneralTerm k -> Natural -> GeneralTerm k
data GeneralTerm k where Source #
Const :: k -> GeneralTerm k | |
N :: GeneralTerm k | |
(:^) :: GeneralTerm k -> Power -> GeneralTerm k infixr 8 | |
(:+) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k infixl 6 | |
(:*) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k infixl 7 | |
(:-) :: GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k infixl 6 | |
Lift :: Reifies s (Unipol k) => Proxy s -> GeneralTerm (WrapDecidableUnits (Quotient s (Unipol k))) -> GeneralTerm k |
showsGTWith :: (CoeffRing k, Field k) => (Int -> k -> ShowSCoeff) -> Int -> GeneralTerm k -> ShowS Source #
data RecurrenceCoeff a Source #
RC | |
Eq a => Eq (RecurrenceCoeff a) Source # | |
Defined in Algebra.Ring.LinearRecurrentSequence (==) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # (/=) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # | |
Ord a => Ord (RecurrenceCoeff a) Source # | |
Defined in Algebra.Ring.LinearRecurrentSequence compare :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Ordering # (<) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # (<=) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # (>) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # (>=) :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> Bool # max :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a # min :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> RecurrenceCoeff a # | |
Show a => Show (RecurrenceCoeff a) Source # | |
Defined in Algebra.Ring.LinearRecurrentSequence showsPrec :: Int -> RecurrenceCoeff a -> ShowS # show :: RecurrenceCoeff a -> String # showList :: [RecurrenceCoeff a] -> ShowS # |
data Recurrence a where Source #
Recurrence | |
recurrenceSize :: Recurrence a -> Int Source #
recCoefficients :: Recurrence a -> Vector a Source #
initialValues :: Recurrence a -> Vector a Source #
generatingFunction :: forall k. (Field k, CoeffRing k) => Recurrence k -> Fraction (Unipol k) Source #
Generating function for the sequence defined by the n-ary linear recurrence formula: [ a_{n + k} = c_0 a_n + c_1 a_1 + cdots + c_{k - 1} a_{n + k - 1}. ] Where initial values \(a_0, \ldots, a_{k - 1}\) are given.
Fibonacci \(a0 = 0, a1 = 1, a(n+2) = an + a(n+1)\):
generatingFunction $ Recurrence (1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< (1 :: Rational) :< Nil) 0
-x / x^2 + x - 1
generatingFunction $ Recurrence (1 :< 1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< 1 :< (1 :: Rational) :< Nil) 0
-x / x^3 + x^2 + x - 1
solveTernaryRecurrence Source #
:: MonadRandom m | |
=> Sized 2 Rational | Recurrence coefficients |
-> Sized 2 Rational | Initial values |
-> Rational | Constant term |
-> m (GeneralTerm Rational) |
Solves ternary linear recurrent sequence (e.g. Fibonacci).
- Example: Fibonacci sequence
fib <- evalRandIO $ solveTernaryRecurrence (1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< 1 :< Nil) 0
((2 / 5)*Root(x^2 + x - 1) + (1 / 5)) * (Root(x^2 + x - 1) + 1) ^ n + (-(2 / 5)*Root(x^2 + x - 1) - (1 / 5)) * (-Root(x^2 + x - 1)) ^ n
map (evalGeneralTerm fib) [0..12]
solveRationalRecurrence Source #
:: MonadRandom m | |
=> Recurrence Rational | Recurrence coefficients |
-> m (GeneralTerm Rational) |
Solves general (n+1)-ary linear recurrent sequence.
- * Example1: Tribonacci sequence defined by: T_{n+3} = T_n + T_{n+1} + T_{n+2} T_0 = 0, T_1 = 0, T_2 = 1
trib <- evalRandIO $ solveRationalRecurrence $ Recurrence (1 :< 1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< 0 :< 1 :< Nil) 0
((5 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + (1 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + (1 / 11)) * (Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1) ^ n + (-(5 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) - (2 / 11)*Root(1*x^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1*x + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1) + -(5 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 - (5 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) - (3 / 22)) * (-Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)*Root(1*x^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1*x + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1) + -Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 - Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)) ^ n + ((5 / 22)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + (2 / 11)*Root(1*x^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1*x + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1) + (2 / 11)*Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + (1 / 22)) * (Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)*Root(1*x^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1*x + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1)^2 + Root(x^3 + x^2 + x - 1) + 1)) ^ n>>>
map (evalGeneralTerm trib) [0..12]
- * Example2: Tetrabonacci sequence defined by: T_{n+4} = T_n + T_{n+1} + T_{n+2} + T_{n+3} T_0 = 0, T_1 = 0, T_2 = 0, T_3 = 1
tet <- evalRandIO $ solveRationalRecurrence $ Recurrence (1 :< 1 :< 1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< 0 :< 0 :< 1 :< Nil) 0
map (evalGeneralTerm tet) [0..12]
solveFiniteFieldRecurrence Source #
:: (MonadRandom m, CoeffRing k, FiniteField k, Random k) | |
=> Recurrence k | Recurrence coefficients |
-> m (GeneralTerm k) |
Solves linear recurrent sequence over finite fields.
- * Example1: Fibonacci sequence over F_{17}. >>> import Numeric.Field.Prime >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> fibF17 <- evalRandIO $ solveFiniteFieldRecurrence $ Recurrence (1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< (1 :: F 17) :< Nil) 0 >>> fibF17 (14*Root(x^2 + x + 16) + 7) * (Root(x^2 + x + 16) + 1) ^ n + (3*Root(x^2 + x + 16) + 10) * (16*Root(x^2 + x + 16)) ^ n
map (evalGeneralTerm fibF17) [0..20]
- * Example2: Tetrabonacci over F_{17} >>> tetF17 <- evalRandIO $ solveFiniteFieldRecurrence $ Recurrence ((1 :: F 17) :< 1 :< 1 :< 1 :< Nil) (0 :< 0 :< 0 :< 1 :< Nil) 0 >>> map (evalGeneralTerm tetF17) [0..20] [0,0,0,1,1,2,4,8,15,12,5,6,4,10,8,11,16,11,12,16,4]
- * Example3: Twekaed tribonacci over GF_{5^3}
T_{n+3} = T_n + T_{n+1} + T_{n+2} T_0 = 1, T_1 = ξ, T_2 = ξ^2, where ξ is a primitive element of GF_{5^3}.
triGF53 <- evalRandIO $ solveFiniteFieldRecurrence $ Recurrence (1 :< (1 :: GF 5 3) :< 1 :< Nil) ( 1 :< primitive :< (primitive ^ 2) :< Nil) 0
<ξ^2 + ξ + 1> * <3*ξ + 2> ^ n + <ξ^2 + ξ + 1> * <4*ξ^2> ^ n + <3*ξ^2 + 3*ξ + 4> * <ξ^2 + 2*ξ + 4> ^ n
map (evalGeneralTerm triGF53) [0..20]
[1,<ξ>,<ξ^2>,<ξ^2 + ξ + 1>,<2*ξ^2 + 2*ξ + 1>,<4*ξ^2 + 3*ξ + 2>,<2*ξ^2 + ξ + 4>,<3*ξ^2 + ξ + 2>,<4*ξ^2 + 3>,<4*ξ^2 + 2*ξ + 4>,<ξ^2 + 3*ξ + 4>,<4*ξ^2 + 1>,<4*ξ^2 + 4>,<4*ξ^2 + 3*ξ + 4>,<2*ξ^2 + 3*ξ + 4>,<ξ + 2>,<ξ^2 + 2*ξ>,<3*ξ^2 + ξ + 1>,<4*ξ^2 + 4*ξ + 3>,<3*ξ^2 + 2*ξ + 4>,<2*ξ + 3>]
:: (Functor m, CoeffRing k, Field k) | |
=> (Unipol k -> m (k, NonEmpty (Unipol k, Natural))) | Factorisation function; must return content and monic square-free factorisation over k. |
-> Recurrence k | Recurrence coefficients |
-> m (GeneralTerm k) |
newtype WrapDecidableUnits k Source #
Unsafe wrapper to treat DecidableUnits
as if it is a field.
:: (CoeffRing k, Field k) | |
=> k | alpha for X - alpha |
-> Natural | power |
-> k | coefficient |
-> GeneralTerm k |
reduceGeneralTerm :: (Field k, CoeffRing k) => GeneralTerm k -> GeneralTerm k Source #
fixedPoint :: (a -> Rewriter a) -> a -> a Source #
simplifyGeneralTerm :: (Field k, CoeffRing k) => GeneralTerm k -> Rewriter (GeneralTerm k) Source #
evalGeneralTerm :: (CoeffRing k, Field k) => GeneralTerm k -> Natural -> GeneralTerm k Source #